September 22, 2024

The Alumni Advisory Council Is Calling for New Members

Author: Melanie Conner
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By Melanie Conner
Student and Alumni Affairs Liaison, APUS

As a university, we recognize that alumni engagement progresses in increments. We want to engage with our alumni on social media, increase their feeling of connection with their alma mater and understand what forms of communication our alumni seek.

Are you interested in joining the Alumni Advisory Council? Submit your nomination by October 31, 2019!

The Alumni Advisory Council is a helpful way to increase alumni engagement. Now in its third year, the Alumni Advisory Council continues its goals of forming partnerships with alumni, collecting information about our alumni’s life and career experiences, advising university leaders and engaging alumni further in community initiatives.

Who Can Be on the Alumni Advisory Council?

All members of the alumni community are invited to join this council. The council has members that represent all six university schools:

  • Education
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
  • Business
  • Security and Global Studies
  • Health Sciences
  • Arts and Humanities

By using representatives from each school, that allows for a more even representation of the alumni body. The Office of Alumni Affairs will select up to five members from each school.

For 2020, the council starts on January 1 and will run through December 31.* Nominations will close on October 31, 2019, and the Alumni Affairs team will be in contact via email with the new members in November 2019.

Our Alumni Provide a Lasting Legacy

Alumni are our legacy, and our reputation is strengthened through your successes. We are excited about the opportunities to continue our relationship with our alumni community and to explore ways we can further support and engage you as we advance the university’s mission.

In 2020, our vision is to listen and to learn. The council is an opportunity to engage alumni in ways that are familiar to them and to allow them to recognize their unique ways of giving back to their university.

Are you interested in joining the Alumni Advisory Council? Submit your nomination by October 31, 2019!

*If you elect to serve in a position (President, Vice President, etc.), your position will run from January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 to allow for a transition of responsibilities between council years.

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