October 5, 2024

Spam Silliness

Author: Clark
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(Ok, so I’m feeling silly, and feel free to tune out.) On my home computer, I have a spam filter. However, I can’t put one on my tablet and phone, so there I see much more of the spam. And I’m often on those devices, not the computer. So…I can’t avoid seeing the things that come in. The very silly things. So, here’s a ‘toast’ to spam silliness.

And, of course, I can’t really tell why I’m getting these. Sure, I do searches, and occasionally click on product links. I’m sure my profile has my interest in pocket tools, tech devices, travel, movies, and searches related to certain health issues. But the mismatches, I have to say, are amusing. Sometimes it’s tangential, and sometimes it’s off the mark. But here’s a mashup of some of the things I’m getting:

The BoomPhone! Not only is this a fully capable smartphone, with text messaging, calendars, and more, but it’s fully bomb-proof! What’s more, it can serve as a tactical weapon; set it and forget it, it will go off when you say. Everyone should have one of these ready to reach for help and defend oneself in any emergency.

Do you suffer from that ringing in your toes? Do your feet going off at night keep you awake? No more! Magic Toe’n’Deaf Lotion has been avoided by the pharmaceutical companies because it’s just too good! Cures bunions and toenail fungus, softens floors, and glues sequins as well. Get yours now, and sleep in peace.

Now you can move Antarctica off your bucket list and onto your travel plans! Our exclusive resort, IceDreams, with infinity pool, gourmet restaurants serving local specialities, and full-service bar is now available. Come relax amongst, and dine on, the ice, penguins, and leopard seals. Kick up your feet and truly chill out!

Recent studies in ancient science have recently revealed a previously unknown astrological learning style. And our mystic magicians have conjured up a special message just for you! Take our quiz, with questions designed to understand your family history, financial situation, and deepest secrets. From there, we can give you the advice for you to learn best according to the power of the stars, with a special lesson on gullibility. Maximize your opportunities by understand the fate that destiny has in mind for you!

Sorry, I couldn’t resist some spam silliness. Obviously, I have some writing I’m supposed to be doing! I welcome hearing your mashups.


The post Spam Silliness appeared first on Learnlets.

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