September 28, 2024

Tips for Students Using APU’s Momentum 2020 Scholarship as They Transition to Online Learning

Author: Susan Hoffman
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By Susan Hoffman
Contributor, Online Learning Tips

Higher learning is experiencing unprecedented disruption due to the coronavirus pandemic. On-campus colleges have temporarily stopped in-person instruction as they transition to online delivery. To help students stay on track, American Public University recently introduced their Momentum 2020 Scholarship.

Start a degree program at American Public University.

There are some adjustments to be made, naturally, for students. Taking online classes requires self-discipline and good time management. But the technical requirements for online classes are relatively straightforward.

The biggest adjustment is feeling comfortable with your online learning environment. This includes the combination of a reliable computer system and internet service, but also your physical environment. You’ll want a few favorite places where you can sit down and learn without distraction. A good pair of headphones might help, too.

Online learning is productive and can be fun. It can move fast so, ultimately, you’ll want to check in often and stay ahead of the curve. Here are five tried-and-true steps to do so.

Five Technology Tips to Remember for Online Learning

Here are some other technology tips to bear in mind for your classes:

  • Become familiar with all of the software you’ll need for the class. Whether that’s word-processing, spreadsheet, presentation or similar specialized software, it’s a good idea to get accustomed to those programs prior to your first class.
  • Practice using other technology you’ll need for your course. Some classes may require the use of microphones or video cameras to make sound files or short videos. Practice using these devices, so you’ll know how to create these files.
  • On your first day of class, get on your computer and explore the classroom environment thoroughly. Each week, your instructor will post helpful information designed to assist you with the class, such as announcements, rubrics for the paper’s you’ll write, reading assignments, and links to videos or presentations. Also, download the syllabus to your computer’s desktop.
  • Remember that the university has multiple online resources available to help you. Classroom Support can provide aid and resolve any technical problems you experience. Similarly, the University Librarians can guide you toward resources when you have questions, such as the proper citation style to use in your class or where to find the best resources for a paper.
  • Your instructor and classmates are only an email away. When you have a question about a specific lesson or assignment, the online classroom makes it easy to contact someone else by email.

Online learning at an institution like American Public University has its own unique advantages. First, your fellow students may come from a variety of locations, various age levels, and different backgrounds, so you can learn from their experience and expertise.

Second, you can study at whatever time fits into your schedule. If you’re a morning person, for example, you could do some schoolwork in the morning before you start work. Similarly, you could write a paper at night or on the weekends, when you have more free time.

The university offers an undergraduate book grant. For your classes, you won’t have to carry around physical books; they’re already available through the university’s online library.

Online learning is a useful, convenient way to further improve your industry knowledge and to gain the skills you’ll need to take the next step in your career journey. If you have additional questions about enrolling, contact the Admissions Department by calling 877-755-2787 or send an email. We also offer live chat from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

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