Online education survey design, inputs request
Author: /u/ExaltFibs24
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Hi all,
I am a university professor from India and like elsewhere we have been migrated to online teaching this lockdown period. I have had experience with MOOCs for quite some time now, with a few courses running for last many years. I would like to design a survey for students to see how they receive it. A quick scholar search returned one paper. Cole, A. W., Lennon, L., & Weber, N. L. (2019). Student perceptions of online active learning practices and online learning climate predict online course engagement. Interactive Learning Environments, 1–15. doi:10.1080/10494820.2019.1619593
Perhaps we can design a similar questionnaire that can be used in different countries to cross-compare the results if you like the idea.
I am specifically interested to see the following variables contributing to student perceptions about online education/learning:
- Class differences
- Gender
- Higher distraction when at home
- Flexitime/Convenience from home: Ability to pause and watch the videos again
- Make it easier to procrastinate
- Time management matters more
- Self-sufficiency
- Self-discipline
- More freedom
submitted by /u/ExaltFibs24
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