January 10, 2025

Professor Needing Student Advice with Online Course (Starts Tomorrow)

Author: /u/CafeLights
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Hello there. Asking for advice from professors & students that have taught/taken online university courses. I’ll be teaching one starting tomorrow and want it to be the best I can possibly make it under our circumstances. I need your help please.

  1. What makes an online course successful for you?
  2. What do you wish your online professor/students had done differently?
  3. What did your online professor/students do really well?
  4. Activities, wish lists items, creative ideas, tips, pitfalls to avoid, how to best help motivate students that may struggle with a fully online environment?

Here are the details:

  1. I’ve *just* been asked last minute to teach a Public Speaking course that is fully online. I’ve taught the course face to face and recently via Emergency Remote Teaching where we had meetings online to stay connected, play quiz games, rehearse, check-in. Online is different. All prerecorded, discussions and videos.
  2. I genuinely care about my students and their growth.
  3. I love teaching college courses in practical & creative ways.
  4. I’m open and clear with written rubrics and expectations communicated well in advance.
  5. I’m comfortable with technology, video recording, etc.

PLEASE and THANK YOU for your input.

submitted by /u/CafeLights
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