Baccalaureate and Beyond: A First Look at the Employment and Educational Experiences of College Graduates, 1 Year Later
Author: Ray Schroeder
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National Center Educational Statistics
Selected Results: Among 2015–16 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients, 12 months after graduating, 67 percent were employed only, 12 percent were both employed and enrolled in additional education, 9 percent were out of the labor force, 6 percent were enrolled only, and 6 percent were unemployed. Postbaccalaureate income and benefits (table 6)
• Twelve months after they graduated, male 2015–16 first-time bachelor’s degree
recipients employed full time had a median annual income of $41,600. For females, the
median annual income was $37,400.
• Of all 2015–16 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients employed full time 12 months after
graduating, 47 percent had a salaried job and 75 percent had a job that offered benefits.