January 12, 2025

eLearning – eLearning Learning

Source https://www.elearninglearning.com/elearning/

Guild eBook on Classroom to eLearning Part 2 Has Been Released

Learning Solutions Magazine

AUGUST 23, 2019

Guild eBook on Classroom to eLearning Part 2 Has Been Released. cori-miller. Fri, 08/23/2019 – 10:30

2019 eLearning Predictions – Hype Curve

Web Courseworks

DECEMBER 30, 2018

Around New Year’s Day each year, we issue our predictions for the top eLearning trends of the coming year. Here is this year’s eLearning hype curve: About the Hype Cycle. How we Built the eLearning Hype Curve. Previous eLearning Predictions on the Hype Curve.

How to Design Performance-Based eLearning Interactions

Tim Slade

APRIL 29, 2019

One of the most important lessons I learned when I first started designing and developing eLearning courses was the importance of building performance-based eLearning interactions. I was told that interactive eLearning equaled engaging eLearning.

eLearning Trivia

Association eLearning

SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

It’s time for eLearning Trivia! What does “eLearning” stand for? The spelling of “eLearning” has never truly been standardized, but it’s agreed that it describes learning that takes place through electronic devices. The post eLearning Trivia appeared first on Knowledge Direct.

eLearning Trends of 2016

Association eLearning

DECEMBER 2, 2016

As the year ends, we look back at three eLearning trends of 2016. eLearning Trends: Gamification. eLearning Trends: Social Learning. Another trend that was critically important in 2016 per eLearning articles and bloggers was social learning.

Mapping RoI of eLearning

Origin Learning

SEPTEMBER 20, 2018

In this blog post, you will learn why ‘Mapping RoI of eLearning’ impacts both eLearning Development companies and organizations that buy these learning solutions. Can’t this eLearning be created internally? Defining RoI in eLearning. The Quality of eLearning.

What is eLearning?

Tim Slade

DECEMBER 9, 2018

In this post, I’ll give you my definition of eLearning, as well as some of the benefits that eLearning has to offer. How Do I Define eLearning? Providing a single definition of eLearning is not easy. If you attend a live webinar, that’s an example of eLearning.

eLearning Authoring Tool Comparison

Association eLearning

FEBRUARY 14, 2018

There are lots of eLearning authoring tools out there. Here’s a quick look at the most popular eLearning authoring tool types. eLearning Authoring Tool: PowerPoint. Many eLearning authoring tools use PowerPoint directly or are based on it.

eLearning Trends for 2018

Association eLearning

DECEMBER 13, 2017

Every year around this time, we discuss the eLearning trends for the next year. These are the eLearning trends for 2018. One thing is certain, however, microlearning will be everywhere as one of the biggest eLearning trends for 2018.

In-House eLearning Course Creation

eLearning Industry

MAY 17, 2019

Rest assured that you don’t need direct experience to create your own company eLearning courses. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. eLearning Design and Development eLearning Course Creation eLearning Courses eLearning Design Tips eLearning Development Best Practices

Mapping RoI of eLearning

Origin Learning

SEPTEMBER 20, 2018

In this blog post, you will learn why ‘Mapping RoI of eLearning’ impacts both eLearning Development companies and organizations that buy these learning solutions. Can’t this eLearning be created internally? Defining RoI in eLearning. The Quality of eLearning.

What Makes Good eLearning?

Tim Slade

AUGUST 5, 2018

If I asked you what makes good eLearning, how would you answer? But, think for a minute about all the other components that go into creating an eLearning course. In this post, I’ll share my thoughts on what makes good eLearning. 3 Tips for Using Animations in eLearning.

Designing Intelligent eLearning

Origin Learning

OCTOBER 5, 2018

In a highly competitive industry, how does one stand out from the rest of the crowd and continue to generate new business and develop successful eLearning solutions? In this blog post, we list down the best practices that we have adopted in creating effective and engaging eLearning solutions.

Should Marketing Review eLearning Courses?

Association eLearning

MAY 10, 2017

Recently, an instructional designer friend of mine asked me, “Should Marketing review eLearning courses and approve them before they are released?” So, should Marketing review eLearning courses? The post Should Marketing Review eLearning Courses?

eLearning Coffee Breaks – Episode 2


NOVEMBER 7, 2016

eLearning eLearning tips Interactive eLearning Jamaica Glenn Raptivity Tips Video Video Tips

Living up to the Promise of eLearning: Closing the Learning-Doing Gap


1 kineo.com info@mplus.kineo.com 312-846-6656 Hard to believe that it’s been almost 20 years since the term “eLearning” entered the corpo- rate learning lexicon. eLearning has a bad. eLearning and supporting. responsive eLearning framework, Sue.

Using Chatbots in eLearning

Origin Learning

APRIL 20, 2018

In this blog post, we look at how chatbots can be used effectively in eLearning solutions to offer an enhanced learning experience. Modern eLearning solutions make ample use of animated icons/avatars, adopt a story-telling approach, and guide learners to complete the learning module with ease.

Elements of Engaging eLearning Design

Origin Learning

JUNE 18, 2018

Similarly, engaging eLearning Design is the foundation of an ideal and effective eLearning program. In this blog post, we examine some of the key elements of engaging eLearning Design. How does an eLearning company distinguish itself from another?

The Worst eLearning Course Ever

Association eLearning

SEPTEMBER 24, 2015

This post is dedicated to pet peeves, worst practices, and other abominations that terrorize eLearning. You can help keep bad eLearning away from your association. You read the title correctly.

4 Ways to Reduce Cognitive Load in eLearning

Tim Slade

JANUARY 12, 2019

When designing and developing an eLearning course, it’s easy to stuff it with all of the required content and push it to your learners. In this post, I’ll share four practical way you can reduce cognitive load in eLearning. eLearning Design Instructional Design

How to Launch Elearning Content Using xAPI

HT2 Labs

NOVEMBER 23, 2017

Then you may be wondering how it can be used to launch elearning content. The post How to Launch Elearning Content Using xAPI appeared first on HT2 Labs. Already using xAPI for more than just reporting? Learning Locker xAPI

Elearning Trends for 2018

Experiencing eLearning

JANUARY 30, 2018

At the end of last year, Bryan Jones from eLearningArt reached out to me for my predictions on the top 3 eLearning trends for 2018. He then took the responses from me and 56 other experts and put together a summary video of the top trends here and an article of the top eLearning trends here.

What Hooks Learners to eLearning?

Origin Learning

OCTOBER 11, 2018

What hooks learners to eLearning? Well, if we had a stone-clad answer for this question, then we would have no worries, and organizations would be producing eLearning content in a robotic, assembly-line fashion. Animated presentation-style eLearning is not going to work.

So, What is eLearning?

ej4 eLearning

FEBRUARY 7, 2019

One thing we’ve discovered: People use the term “eLearning” differently. Don’t Let Different Meanings Confuse You. As CEO of ej4, I get to talk not only to many industry experts but also to clients and prospects as well. So do my sales and marketing teams.

12 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Authoring Tool


devices) but has many uses in eLearning. Should be Instant gomolearning.com @gomolearning 12 1 1 12Content Updates Should be Instant gomolearning.com @gomolearning When you need to get your eLearning. you to create, host, update, distribute and track beautiful multi–device eLearning.

Color Theory for eLearning

eLearning Brothers

APRIL 17, 2018

It sparked a great discussion and many more questions about color from the audience, so today I’m going to talk a little bit more about various ways to use color in eLearning. In our situation, the product is the eLearning course and those judging it are the learners.

Engaging eLearning Design

eLearning Brothers

DECEMBER 6, 2017

All of us have experienced dry, boring, painful eLearning. My answer, or at least part of it, is that eLearning designers and developers have very few good examples to reference. can all be mimicked in eLearning very directly and built as part of a story or an environment.

eLearning Adoption at NRMA

B Online Learning

OCTOBER 28, 2015

One of the great joys of my role here at B Online Learning, is when I get to work with individuals, groups or companies who are starting an eLearning journey and my role is to help them start.

eLearning Innovation at PayPal

eLearning Brothers

DECEMBER 14, 2017

How can you tailor a standard eLearning experience in a way that makes it feel personalized? Could you, in your wildest dreams, imagine your compliance eLearning courses being completed by word of mouth and recommendations alone?

The Secret to Getting Learning Results May Not Be What You Think


The Secret to Getting eLearning Results Isn’t What You Think 1 Navigating a. learning market The Secret to Getting Learning Results Isn’t What You Think The Secret to Getting eLearning Results Isn’t What You Think 2 3The Secret to Getting eLearning Results Isn’t What You Think 1 Broadening.

ID and eLearning Links (11/18/18)

Experiencing eLearning

NOVEMBER 18, 2018

Inclusive and Universal Design Resources for Accessibility in eLearning. An extensive collection of resources and archived presentations by Brian Dusablon regarding accessibility for elearning. The post ID and eLearning Links (11/18/18) appeared first on Experiencing eLearning.

What got me into elearning

Adult Learning with Technology

DECEMBER 19, 2018

Recently, an interesting conversation came up with my colleagues about how we got into elearning. eLearning career NetworkThis prompted me to share my experience of how a simple video changed my career trajectory.

Predicting ROI with eLearning

ej4 eLearning

FEBRUARY 5, 2015

You probably want to ensure that eLearning ROI will be high enough for your company. The post Predicting ROI with eLearning appeared first on. eLearning

Spot The Difference eLearning Interaction in Manufacturing Industry

Swift eLearning Services

APRIL 16, 2019

Authoring Tools eLearning Articulate challenge Articulate Storyline Articulate Storyline 360 Elearning eLearning community Elearning courses eLearning Interaction Manufacturing industry Spot the Difference eLearning Interaction Storyline360

Move Beyond Learning to Applying: A Modern Management Development Program


1 kineo.com info@mplus.kineo.com 312-846-6656 Hard to believe that it’s been almost 20 years since the term “eLearning” entered the corpo- rate learning lexicon. eLearning has a bad. eLearning and supporting. responsive eLearning framework, Sue.