March 13, 2025

Psychologist Creating a Comprehensive Life Self Help Course (Discussion)

Author: /u/EvilMonkey1942
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I’m a Life Skills Coach and Psychologist. For some time now I have been seeing the same Issue come up during my coaching sessions.


  1. Confidence – While I have found many people have a passion to want to change, they lack the self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth to feel like they deserve better for themselves.

  2. Addressing Procrastination.

  3. Perseverance – Many people feel motivated, and while this feeling comes and goes, people often feel powerless to their emotions. So I usually end up teaching individuals about the discipline of the mind in order to commit to something.

  4. Stress – In this day in age, people are becoming more and more stressed. Especially (In my experience) men under 30.)

  5. Mindfulness Activities – I often teach mindfulness techniques to people who are struggling with chronic pain, stress and Anxiety.

  6. Persuasion – Sometimes people have their lives relatively in order. It’s just that the social aspects could be improved upon. I also try and teach here a brief knowledge of some persuasive techniques (Such as Anchors for example)

  7. Goal Setting & Purpose Pursuit – It’s shocking to me that so few people have real tangible goals for themselves. And even fewer have a life purpose. However it is the most rewarding feeling in the world when people depressive states are reduced once they begin to find a reason to exist in this Chaotic world.

I am quite interested in creating an Online Video based Course which will go over what I teach.

Would anyone be Interested in a course like this? All feedback is helpful!

submitted by /u/EvilMonkey1942
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