December 29, 2024

Request for Feedback: New Course Alert

Author: /u/eupharis
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Hi all! I built a little side project that I thought might be useful!

It’s called New Course Alert .

You can subscribe to different subjects (Programming, Data Science, Music, Yoga, etc.) and get email alerts whenever a new course is released.

You get at most one email alert per day, with all the new courses listed.

I built it because I’m always looking for new online courses to take and it’s a pain to manually look to see if there’s anything new and interesting.

New Course Alert will scan ALL the course sites, and be a one stop shop for watching all online courses.

I plan to have support for:

  • Coursera
  • Edx
  • Udacity
  • Udemy
  • Skillshare
  • FutureLearn
  • Any others I should add?

As of now the site just supports Udacity / Udemy / Skillshare. But today I’m going to work on adding Coursera support. Hopefully I’ll have it done soon!

I hope this is useful to other people too! I would deeply appreciate any feedback or suggestions anyone had!


submitted by /u/eupharis
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