February 4, 2025

Review of the online learning and artificial intelligence education market. A report for the Department of Education July 2018

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Review of the online learning and artificial intelligence education market.  A report for the Department of Education July 2018, que nos presentan así en su

Executive summary

The report presents the findings from a study examining the functioning of the online/ blended learning and artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) markets. It was commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) and the research was undertaken by ICF Consulting Services Ltd between June and September 2018.

Aims, objectives and scope of the study 

The study aims to understand the effectiveness of the online learning and AIEd markets in widening access to learning and supporting the development of low to intermediate skills (learning levels 2-5) in the English workforce. It does this through providing a systematic review of:

• The features of the online and AIEd markets, including the volume of learning available, the characteristics and behaviours of developers and providers, the market structure, approach to competition and providers and developer performance;

• How the market compares to an effective market, including the ease of entry, expansion and exit and the availability of information to allow learners and providers to make informed purchasing choices

• Key market failures and their causes, which can be used to identify actions the DfE and others could undertake to support the online learning and AIEd markets to provide desired outcomes for the economy.

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Fuente: [ slideshare vía Department of Education]