May 4, 2024

Sensei Miwako: Learning Math Using the Abacus – 590

Author: Steven Miletto

Sensei Miwako: Learning Math Using the Abacus. This is episode 590 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.

With over two decades of Abacus teaching experience, Sensei Miwako has had the pleasure of helping students achieve greatness and tangible skills that serve them now and in the future. She helps parents find the solution to unlocking their child’s patience, memory, concentration, natural intelligence, and so much more!

Her journey began when she founded JAMS. It is the only math school in the Portland and Beaverton area certified by the League for Soroban Abacus. We use the teachings of Abacus & Anzan instruction to build a solid and strong foundation of mental mathematics with lifelong skills.

Mental math calculation is a skill that children retain for life. Abacus gives any child the skills and confidence to excel in STEM-related subjects beyond the classroom.

When a child experiences success, they naturally grow in confidence and self-esteem, as well as in their desire to continue the pursuit of that success. What’s more, with our specialized instruction, your child will build a solid and strong foundation of mental mathematics with lifelong skills.

“This is also why we have started offering Abacus Online, for anyone and everyone to unlock their brain’s full potential. I believe it is my mission to help you find the secret to keeping your brain healthy no matter the age.”

Lots to learn today.

Before you go…

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Length – 45:14

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