March 14, 2025

Struggling with a Math Class? Check Out Online Tutorials

Author: Susan Hoffman
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Start a degree program at American Public University.

By Susan Hoffman
Contributor, Online Learning Tips

Many degrees require you to take a math class. To pursue a bachelor’s degree in information systems security and fulfill your general education requirements, for example, you’ll need to take at least one math class such as college algebra, college trigonometry or calculus. Similarly, getting a bachelor’s degree in history also requires you to take a course in mathematics as part of your general education requirements.

If you’re an adult learner who hasn’t taken a math class since high school, however, handling any math courses that you’ll need for your degree could prove tricky. Fortunately, there are multiple tutorial sites available online, including:

1) Khan Academy

2) GFC Global

3) edX

4) Udemy

5) Coursera

6) School Yourself

Some Math Tutorial Sites Are Free; Others Have a Fee

Before you sign up to use a tutorial site, read the information on the website carefully. Taking courses at Udemy or Coursera commonly require a fee, but they do have special offers from time to time to reduce your costs.

Up to 10 Free Hours of Tutoring Are Available through the APUS Library

As an AMU or APU student, you are eligible for up to 10 free hours of tutoring from This service can be accessed through the APUS Library link in your ecampus. Click on the “Library” link at the top of your screen after you log into the ecampus. Then, choose “Tutoring” under the “Resources & Services” drop-down menu for more information about this tutoring service.

Talk to Your Instructor and Academic Advisors

If you are struggling with a mathematics course, be sure to talk with your instructor or your academic advisors. They can offer helpful advice and point you toward additional resources.

Related links:

Overcome Your Fear of Math for Success in Class

Why Should I Study Mathematics in College?

Math Success Tips for Working Adults

How to Succeed in Online Math Courses

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