March 13, 2025

VIDEO: 10 Tips from a Technology Fear Specialist

Author: Wesley Fryer
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Earlier this month, I had an opportunity to share a 45 minute webinar with the wonderful Seesaw community titled, “10 Tips from a Technology Fear Specialist.” This presentation (and subsequent Q&A session with live attendees) was based on my March 21st blog post, “Adult Identity and the “I Can’t Use Technology Well” Introduction.” The archived video of the webinar is included in Seesaw’s YouTube playlist, “April PD in Your PJs.”

Please check out the video and let me know if you have any feedback, either via Twitter (@wfryer), a comment below, or my electronic contact form. The slides from the presentation are also available. I’ve added links to the YouTube video and slides to my Presentation Handouts wiki, and added the video to my YouTube playlist, “Presentations by Wesley Fryer.” That is the playlist I feature first on my personal YouTube channel. I also re-ordered the videos in that playlist tonight, so both my TEDx talks (“Becoming Your Family’s Digital Witness” from 2013 and “Digital Citizenship in the Surveillance State” from 2016) are more prominently visible.

Definitely check out the Seesaw webinar series “PD in Your PJs” and sign up to receive emails about upcoming free workshops! Also if you are not already, I recommend following @Seesaw on Twitter. Seesaw is one of the most powerful digital platforms I’ve ever used with students, teachers and parents for sharing and archiving digital media. I’ve used Seesaw the past several years in iPad Media Camp and Make Media Camp PD workshops with teachers. My wife, Shelly Fryer (@sfryer), has also shared several “PD in Your PJs” sessions for Seesaw in the past, and you can check those out in this YouTube playlist.

If you enjoyed this post and found it useful, consider subscribing to Wes’ free, weekly newsletter. Generally Wes shares a new edition on Monday mornings, and it includes a TIP, a TOOL, a TEXT (article to read) and a TUTORIAL video. You can also check out past editions of Wes’ newsletter online free!

Did you know Wes has published several eBooks and “eBook singles?” 1 of them is available free! Check them out! Also visit Wes’ subscription-based tutorial VIDEO library supporting technology integrating teachers worldwide!

MORE WAYS TO LEARN WITH WES: Do you use a smartphone or tablet? Subscribe to Wes’ free magazine “iReading” on Flipboard! Follow Dr. Wesley Fryer on Twitter (@wfryer), Facebook and Google+. Also “like” Wes’ Facebook page for “Speed of Creativity Learning“. Don’t miss Wesley’s latest technology integration project, “Show With Media: What Do You Want to CREATE Today?

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